Friday, April 15, 2011

Sometimes they get it right

File this under "even a stopped clock is right twice a day." Faux News accidentally gets something right. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

This Week in Stupid

Oh you teabaggers. You know how to bring the crazy and the stupid. Here are five gems from the past week:

5. Bat-shit crazy Revolutionary War "expert" Michele Bachmann places the battles of Lexington and Concord in New Hampshire.

4. Freshman GOP Rep. Tom Marino says of the Libyan no-fly zone, "Where does it stop?" he said. "Do we go into Africa next?"

3. Then there’s House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who apparently needs to be not just schooled, but Schoolhouse Rocked, on how a bill becomes a law.

2. It wouldn’t be fair to leave our local folks out of the fun, so here’s Montana Rep. Alan Hale on drunk driving. In favor of it.

1. And finally, a hat trick of stupidity from another freshman GOPer, Rep. Sean Duffy. He fretted about making ends meet on his $174,000 a year salary. Bonus: due to higher health care costs. Double bonus: as a Senator he gets his socialist government health insurance paid for by taxpayers. Triple score: his costs are higher now because he used to have a better package when he was on the state payroll in Wisconsin. You know, as one of those freeloading government employees who should have their exorbitant salaries and benefits cut and their collective bargaining rights stripped.

Note that the link to Duffy’s video may not work. His staffers have been working overtime trying to scrub it from every site on the internet.

Since Sarah Palin is only pretending to be interested in a presidential bid to gin up interest in her inexplicably highly-compensated speaking appearances, I’m really rooting for Michele Bachmann to ride her teabagger horde all the way to the GOP nomination. Because Obama-Bachmann debates? Pure comedy gold.