Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Back Away from the Crazy Lady . . .

We’re at the end of a dead-end road and we have long, winding driveway, so no one comes up here unless they’re looking for our house or lost. The other day, towards evening, I noticed that Dean had left some tools outside by the driveway. Hmm, I’d better put those away before it gets dark. I started picking them up, and then I saw car headlights coming slowly up our driveway. They gotta be lost.

I walked toward the car to see if they needed directions. The car was still slowly, tentatively inching up our driveway. Suddenly it stopped, kicked into reverse and gunned it backing up. Backing down our winding driveway is tricky in daylight and this was at dusk, but they were backing down as fast as they could. Jeez, I was just going to see if you guys were lost or something . . . then I realized I was carrying the tool I had been planning to put away. You’d back frantically down the driveway, too, if you saw a woman headed toward your car carrying a huge friggin’ axe.