Friday, August 27, 2010

Top five reasons programmers don’t blog:

(Topic and list ideas courtesy of Welder, so he shares the blame)

5. Speling. Speeling. Spellling. Having to put letters in some stupid fancy predetermined “order.”

4. Pr0n. Uh, setting up the filters to keep it out. Yeah, that’s it.

3. Cosplay. Those big Klingon gauntlets are made for killing, not typing.

2. LARP. Tenth-level wizards with a Sword of Thunder, Amulet of Justice and immunity to spells and hexes are too cool to blog, man.

1. Do you have any idea how long it takes to write out “hello and welcome to my blog” in binary?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tales of the Clueless

Today one of Dean's clueless coworkers was having a problem with his e-mail. It sounded like his computer had lost its connection to the server. Dean opted for the easiest solution:

Dean: "Reboot and that should reconnect you."

Coworker: "That doesn't help. I already rebooted."

Well, by now Dean knows how their brains work, so he asked a question most people wouldn't have thought of:

Dean: "When did you reboot?"
Coworker: "Two weeks ago."

Woody knows more about computers than these guys. Hey, someone is always ordering the Good Doggie Fun Pack from PetSmart, and it's not me.